Author: Rob Baxter

Update on Incentives for Solar Energy in BC

Posted by in News, on July 19, 2024

Update on Incentives for Solar Energy in BC The following incentives are currently available in BC: PST Exemption Systems purchased in BC are exempt from PST. Solar panels are always exempt Other equipment is exempt if purchased at the same time as panels (same invoice) but not batteries   Canada Greener Home Loan Interest free […]

Solar Powered Awards And Recognition

Posted by in News, on June 21, 2024

Solar Powered Awards Eclipse Awards in Vancouver is partly powered by 2.56 kW photovoltaic system that we installed in 2019. It uses 320 W Hanwha QPEAK 320W 60 cell, modules (panels) and APS Inverters. Online monitoring available at:   So next time you need award or recognition items you can some that are solar […]

Installing Solar in Delta in 2023

Posted by in News, on June 7, 2024

Solar in Delta This 20 kW photovoltaic system was installed in Delta. It uses 400 W Bauer 400 W M10HBB Module modules (panels) and a SolarEdge 7.6 KW, 1Ø Grid Tied Inverter, AFCI HD WAVE. Online monitoring available at:

What Bill Tieleman Gets Wrong about the Coming Electrical Shortage in BC.

Posted by in News, on April 26, 2024

What Bill Tieleman Gets Wrong about the Coming Electrical Shortage in BC Bill Tieleman has written a commentary for the @GreorgiaStraight on the hydroelectricity supply situation in BC ( He is correct that the current drought situation has resulted in legitimate concerns about how we meet our energy needs. But is the solution to abandon […]

More Solar Energy in Tsawwassen

Posted by in Front, News, on October 4, 2023

More Solar Energy in Tsawwassen This 15.2 kW photovoltaic system was installed in Tsawwassen. It uses 400 W Bauer modules (panels) and a SolarEdge inverter with optmizers. During the first full month of production (September) it generated 1,2100 kWh of clean electricity. Online monitoring available at:

Community Supported Solar for Agriculture

Posted by in News, on June 5, 2023

CommunitySupportedSolar forAgriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture CommunitySupportedSolar forAgriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture CommunitySupportedSolar forAgriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture CommunitySupportedSolar forAgriculture Community Supported Solar for Agriculture Using a combination of government grant money and money from community investors we install a solar array […]

Solar PPAs Help Zone 2 Customers Save Money

Posted by in News, on April 1, 2022

Solar PPAs in Zone 2 Communities Businesses in communities like Anahim Lake, Nimpo Lake, Bella Coola and Haida Gwaii can install solar energy without any upfront costs and potentially save money through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). These communities are pay electrical rates based BC Hydro’s Zone 2 tariff.  That means they pay higher rates […]

Solar Energy on a Housing Co-op in Vancouver

Posted by in Front, News, Our News, on February 17, 2022

VREC Solar recently completed the installation of a 5.92 kW photovoltaic system on Trout Lake Housing Co-op in Vancouver. It uses 370 W Silfab 370W 66 cell mono Elite All Black Module modules (panels).  These modules are manufactured in Bellingham, WA.  It was exciting to use panels manufactured in our local bio-region. It was also […]

Warehouse Items on Sale

Posted by in Front, News, on January 31, 2022

We are cleaning out our warehouse and have some items we need to clear out: used Xantrex GT 3.0 Inverter – this was from our first install. When we moved the array the inverter was still still working although a bit rusty. Note that due to changes in the electrical code you will need to […]