Solar Shingles Available in Vancouver

Posted by in Front, News, Our News, on January 28, 2015

It has taken a few years to get CSA approval but Dow’s Powerhouse solar energy shingles are now available in Canada and VREC is ready to install them here in Vancouver.   Solar shingles combine a roofing material and a solar energy generating module into one unit.


Solar shingles – Photo courtesy of Dow

This photovoltaic (solar electric) system does tend to be more expensive then other types of photovoltaic modules.  So it might not makes sense for every application.  Some people may prefer the sleek design for aesthetic reasons.

At VREC we focus on selling solutions and design them to optimise energy production.  We also evaluate economic performance and ecological impacts.  So, we can help you decide if solar shingles are the best product for your building compared to standard modules that we also offer.