Get Mobile Solar this Summer in BC

Posted by in News, Our News, on January 23, 2017

Campers, Vans, RVs, Tiny Homes, and Pickup Trucks

With the days getting longer and the snow (almost) gone in the Lower Mainland, it’s hard not to start planning this summer’s adventures.   For those who pack light, perhaps a headlamp is your only battery-hungry device.  But for those whose lifestyle involves living out of an RV, camper, tiny house, VW Van, or even the back of a pickup truck, VREC wants to help you get off the generator and start enjoying the exhaust-free peace and quiet of solar battery charging wherever you are.
Innovations in LED lighting, energy-efficient DC appliances, and high-output solar modules have all made mobile solar more viable than ever.

How does it work?  Pre-built campers and RVs will usually have a “house” battery that charges off the engine or a generator.  The appliances will either run directly off the battery (DC) or an inverter (AC).  Once the vehicle is parked, the batteries start to drain and need topping up.  One or two solar panels are usually all that is needed to maintain their charge. A convenient display lets you know how full the batteries are and how much solar is going to them.
On tiny houses, converted vans, and pickup trucks, the same principle applies, but here we start from scratch.  VREC installs a “house” battery that charges off the vehicle’s engine when driving, but then relies on solar when you reach your destination, whether its a campsite, festival, cabin, or fishing camp.  An inverter is available for AC loads, and any DC appliances can be run right off the battery.

Call us now for an estimate on converting your setup.